With a violin in one hand and the microphone in the other

Storm Dunder´s Welcome Home explores mental health,

the consequences of restrictive societal structures,

and (trans)humanism. Through telling a story about a machine,

with a distant memory of having been a child,

Storm takes the audience along on their journey through gender affirming

treatments and how their voice is changing on testosterone.

© 2024, Frida Böling

 The Clown on the Fifth Floor

The Clown on the Fifth Floor is a multidisciplinary music, performance and visual art show

where the audience is transported into a momentary reality.

The Fifth Floor, an isolated world existing in the constant opposition of chaos and emptiness, reality and fiction.

You are invited to watch the Clown chase their own trail of breadcrumbs.

Remembering, forgetting, and re-remembering that they are running in circles.

Through dynamic and explosive musical arrangements, complex undercurrents of harmonies, and sharp lyrics

The Clown on the Fifth Floor tells the story of a creature that just wants to know if they were

the hero, the villain, or just a child.


© 2021, Kirsti Urpa

Artificial Nature

Artificial Nature is a series

of headpieces that explore the

idea of human-made nature.

The pieces are both designed and

created by Storm Dunder,

and built with hand crafted

fabric and paper flowers.


© 2019, Hampus Danielsson

Tin Man

Tin Man is a multidisciplinary

performance about the concept

of being both drained of, free from,

filled with, and encapsulated

by your emotions. It is an examination

of caring, of the deep need to be

understood, and the equally deep

yearning to not need understanding.

Tin Man eat, drink, and breathe

desperation, asking the question

“What would you do to make this stop?”,

and answering “I would do anything”.

© 2017, Calle Eriksson